1.1. New and Changed Features

1.1. New and Changed Features

1.1. New and Changed Features

This section lists new and changed features included with the initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5.

  • Multipath GNBD is available with GFS in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5. GNBD with device-mapper multipath allows you to configure multiple GNBD server nodes (nodes that export GNBDs to GFS nodes) to provide redundant paths to the storage devices. The GNBD server nodes, in turn, present multiple storage paths to GFS nodes via redundant GNBDs. When using GNBD with device-mapper multipath, if a GNBD server node becomes unavailable, another GNBD server node can provide GFS nodes with access to storage devices.

    For information on GNBD with device-mapper multipath, see Using GNBD with Global File System.

  • Documentation for Red Hat Cluster Suite for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5 has been expanded and reorganized. For information on the available documents, see Section 2, “Related Documentation”.

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