Chapter 4. LVM Administration with CLI Commands

Chapter 4. LVM Administration with CLI Commands

Chapter 4. LVM Administration with CLI Commands

4.1. Using CLI Commands
4.2. Physical Volume Administration
4.2.1. Creating Physical Volumes
4.2.2. Displaying Physical Volumes
4.2.3. Preventing Allocation on a Physical Volume
4.2.4. Resizing a Physical Volume
4.2.5. Removing Physical Volumes
4.3. Volume Group Administration
4.3.1. Creating Volume Groups
4.3.2. Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
4.3.3. Displaying Volume Groups
4.3.4. Scanning Disks for Volume Groups to Build the Cache File
4.3.5. Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
4.3.6. Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group
4.3.7. Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
4.3.8. Removing Volume Groups
4.3.9. Splitting a Volume Group
4.3.10. Combining Volume Groups
4.3.11. Backing Up Volume Group Metadata
4.3.12. Renaming a Volume Group
4.3.13. Moving a Volume Group to Another System
4.3.14. Recreating a Volume Group Directory
4.4. Logical Volume Administration
4.4.1. Creating Logical Volumes
4.4.2. Persistent Device Numbers
4.4.3. Resizing Logical Volumes
4.4.4. Changing the Parameters of a Logical Volume Group
4.4.5. Renaming Logical Volumes
4.4.6. Removing Logical Volumes
4.4.7. Displaying Logical Volumes
4.4.8. Growing Logical Volumes
4.4.9. Extending a Striped Volume
4.4.10. Shrinking Logical Volumes
4.5. Creating Snapshot Volumes
4.6. Controlling LVM Device Scans with Filters
4.7. Online Data Relocation
4.8. Activating Logical Volumes on Individual Nodes in a Cluster
4.9. Customized Reporting for LVM
4.9.1. Format Control
4.9.2. Object Selection
4.9.3. Sorting LVM Reports
4.9.4. Specifying Units

This chapter summarizes the individual administrative tasks you can perform with the LVM Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to create and maintain logical volumes.

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